Monday 20 June 2011

John Lennon Revolution - Analysis

The song Revolution by John Lennon has a very similar meaning to the song Imagine. I believe that the only real difference between the two songs is that Imagine is more of a vision of what Lennon wants the world to be in the future, where as Revolution is more of a vision of what Lennon see
In the second verse Lennon is trying to portray that someone, possibly being the government, has a plan to fix everything and that the people of the world would love to see it. That the government wants the people to make more or better contributions but that everyone is doing the best they can. In the last few lines of the second verse Lennon says that if the government wants more money from the people and if all their money is going to a government that doesn’t share the same peaceful solution as the people then its going to take a long time to come to a solution.
In the last verse Lennon again talks about the government and makes a comparison between Constitution of Rights and a mental institution. Lennon talks about the people wanting the government to change the constitution, one that I assume represents the Constitution of Rights. Lennon makes fun of the government more or less calling the government a mental institution. Lennon says at the end of the song that if the government goes around listening and carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, that they are all doomed anyways.
s the world as now. In the first verse Lennon is comparing the words revolution to evolution. Although both words look and sound some-what similar the meanings are opposite. Revolution is more of a complete change that is very rapid, where evolution is a complete change that takes a long amount of time. At the end of the first verse Lennon talks about everyone wanting to change the world but that we can change the world without having to completely destruct it.

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